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YFS 10/04/2011 Minutes
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services

Commission meeting
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Youth & Family Services Offices
322 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

I. Call To Order
Meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Jennifer R. Welsh at 5:20 PM

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call
Attendant Members:
Jennifer Welsh, Vice Chairman
Katie Prozesky, Student Rep.
Kathryn Hanratty, OSPS Rep.
Diane Aldi DePaola, OSNB Rep.
Dorothy Shearer, At-Large Member

Members absent:
Sam Barnes, Chairman
Ray Allen, Secretary
Peggy Viggiano, Member

IV. Attendant Staff
Heather McNeil, LMFT, LADC Director

V. Comments from the Public
No public in attendance

VI. Approval of Minutes of the Sept. 13, 2011  regular meeting
A motion was made by Diane Aldi DePaola to Approve the Minutes of the regular meeting of
Sept. 13, 2011. Motion Seconded by Dorothy Shearer. No Discussion. The Motion was carried unanimously.

VII. Chairman’s Comments
No report

VIII. Commission Member Reports
No reports

IX. Directors’ Report: Director’s Report for YFS Commission 10/4/2011 5 p.m.

CST – Collaborative Support Team meeting 10/5/2011
        Making the process of referrals from schools more consistent and efficient by streamlining the process.  One difference is that the initial intake takes place at YFS.

Organizational Chart:
        Heather passed out a paper copy of her reorganization with staffing that she presented last meeting on the white board.  She explained that the responsibilities for youth development programs are now being shared.  All coordinators have a piece of the asset team building.
        Chelsea Graham has taken over the REACH program at the high school and according to Katie it has been “the best thing that has happened to REACH in a long time!”  The reception has been very positive.

Family Day and other events update:
Family Day was a great success.  Approximately 900 to 1,000 people attended.  There was a great community involvement this time in all the activities, and corporate sponsorship as well.
Freshman Retreat went very well. Camp Hazen staff was very pleased with the group of older students chosen to represent the Asset Team as student leaders for the Freshman groups. There will be a follow up at the end of October/beginning of November with the freshmen within the OSHS at an assembly.
Born Learning Trails were set up at Goodwin School with Liberty Bank volunteers, and made possible through funding from Middlesex United Way. The purpose of the trail is to engage parents in active learning opportunities with their children.
Food Play Theatre @ the Middle School with live action theatre to teach about nutrition, health and wellness, Goodwin 2nd and 3rd graders walked over and along with 4th and 5th grades enjoyed the show.
Getting into the schools and learning what they would like YFS to offer and have in the schools—survey handed out at Collaborative Mtg.
Anti-Bullying week is the week of October 21stish nationally and they are trying to have programs at the school and the library. The difficulty is coordinating calendars.
October 22 a Family Fun Day is planned for Lyman Orchards.  Planning a fall trip, December a dinner and then a spring trip.
October 5th at 6 pm at the Acton Public Library – Grandparents group having Killingworth author of “Sometimes its Grandma and Grandpa”.  Pat Rivers, LPC is the organizer of these events.
Have increased interns to include a male student from Middlesex Community College, Adam Cubeta.  He will be working with staff and other interns to offer some groups within OSMS.
Handed out the Annual Summary of Individual Service Report statistics

X. Old Business – none

XI. New Business
A member expressed high accolades from the Board to Heather for the work that she has done in the two years that she has been with us.

Heather and Sam are working on the annual report.

XII. Other Business
Next meeting scheduled for November 1, 2011 possibly at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park at 5:00 pm.

XIII. Adjournment
Motion made by Dorothy Shearer to adjourn at 5:50 pm. Seconded by Kathryn Hanratty and carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted:
Sharon Tiezzi, Recording Clerk